Resize the Codemirror6

It’s actually little to do with Codemirror itself but the div wrap it.

Here is a codemirror html snippet

<div class="a-demo-cm6 cm-editor-wrap">
  <input type="hidden"/>

After codemirror initialized the final html structure will be:

<div class="a-demo-cm6 cm-editor-wrap">
  <input type="hidden"/>
  <div class="cm-editor">
    <div class="cm-scroller">
      <div class="cm-gutters"></div>
      <div class="cm-content"></div>

No extra css

Now after render it will be show one line.


Give cm-editor a min-height

Give cm-editor a min-height, It will be like bellow. But still only one line in the editor.

.a-demo-cm6 .cm-editor {
  min-height: 150px;


Give cm-gutters and cm-content a min-height

It’s better to apply the min-height at cm-gutters and cm-content. It looks better because the gutters is same height as editor.

.a-demo-cm6 .cm-gutter, .a-demo-cm6 .cm-contnet {
   min-height: 100px;


Let wrap resizable

.a-demo-cm6  {
  resize: vertical;
  overflow: auto;


but when the wrap resize, the editor didn’t resize.

Appy css to editor

.a-demo-cm6 .cm-editor {
  height: 100%;

Now the editor will auto grow as line increasing

To disable this behaiver, add css

.a-demo-cm6 .cm-editor {
  height: 100%;
  max-height: 400px;

The Final CSS

.a-demo-cm6  {
  resize: vertical;
  overflow: auto;
.a-demo-cm6 .cm-editor {
  height: 100%;
  max-height: 400px;
.a-demo-cm6 .cm-gutter, .a-demo-cm6 .cm-contnet {
  min-height: 100px;

remove max-height from .cm-editor to disable auto grow.

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