ph-pjax-link attribute

Convert the link to do a ajax fetch, then replace the content and pushstate.

  1. First click will create a query string: ph-pjax-link?a=b&n=1
  2. Click again, will get ph-pjax-link?a=b&n=1&fromqs=b

  class="btn btn-sm"

extra attributes for this helper:

name descriptio link
ph-params append query parameters to the url value collector


The pjax will default execute all the script tag inside the body after replace the page content, if you don’t want the script to be executed, you should add ph-not-execute-me attribute to script tag.

Because replace the innerHTML of the body won’t fire DOMContentLoaded event. You maybe should fire it manually.

There’s an event be fired after replace:

export type PjaxPageLoadedEvent = CustomEvent<{
  url: string;
  fromPopState: boolean;

window.addEventListener("pjaxPageLoaded", (e) => {
  var domContentLoadedEvent = new Event("DOMContentLoaded", {
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,
  // Dispatch the event on the document object

Mind the global Cfg object. The ph-not-execute-me and ph-execte-me always take effect. but the script_exclude_patterns dependends on execute_scripts_default.

If execute_scripts_default=false(default), script_exclude_patterns will match the scripts to run.

If execute_scripts_default=true, script_exclude_patterns will match the scripts not to run.

export type Cfg = {
  selectedIdSeparator?: string; // default: ','
  debug?: boolean;
  disable_pjax?: boolean;
  execute_scripts_default?: boolean;
  script_exclude_patterns?: RegExp[];
  rowSelector?: {
    attr?: string;
    ptn?: string;

The config of this site

The config bellow will execute these two script tag after Ajax replace the page.

  import { PageHelper } from "/dist/";
  const pageHelper = new PageHelper({
    debug: true,
  window.addEventListener("pjaxPageLoaded", (e) => {
    var domContentLoadedEvent = new Event("DOMContentLoaded", {
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: true,
    // Dispatch the event on the document object

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