Play Ground for Alpine and Pagehelper

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JS’s both, before, after

For Alpine.js, some times need prepare the data and store before innerHTML into document.

So it’s better to run before.

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echo any data to mock server response

Add ph-params="echo:::#playground-json/value" to the ph-ajax="" link will bring the json value to the server and echo back for testing.

  • when echo query parameter exists,always echo this value
  • if is post method, echo the body

Using ph-params="echo:::__function__/mock_echo to mock more real data, the function_name is written in the JS tab. like one bellow.

window.mock_echo = (kvs, method) => {
    console.log(kvs['page'] + '.............')
    const page = parseInt(kvs['page'] || '1')
    const size = parseInt(kvs['size'] || '2')
    const data = []
    let idx = page * 10
     const max = idx + size
    for(;idx<max;idx++) {
        "id": idx,
        "task": "Item " + idx,
        "dueDate": "2021-01-01",
        "priority": "high"
     return JSON.stringify({ data });

This page already add a demos Alpine store

  <span x-text="$store.demos.a"></span>

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