Builtin Alpine.js data
The code bellow will not show the functions.
<div x-data="{...ph(),...selectors()}" x-init="console.log(JSON.stringify($data))">
<p x-text="paramkvs()"></p>
ph data helper:
import Alpine from "alpinejs"
import { Cfg } from "./cfg"
import htmlUtil from "./html-util"
import pjaxPageLoader from "./pjax-page-loader"
import urlUtil from "./url-utils"
import consoleLog from "./console-log-with-switcher"
* ph data helper use $el to get the element, so it's mostly limited in the element itself
* @param cfg
* @returns
function phdata(cfg?: Cfg) {
return () => ({
pjax(p?: string) {
const ele = (this as any).$el as HTMLInputElement
const elname = ele.name
let value = ele.value
if (htmlUtil.isCheckbox(ele)) {
value = ele.checked ? 'true' : 'false'
const params = htmlUtil.getParams(ele)
params[elname] = value
const newurl = urlUtil.setUrlParamAndReturnFullUrl(params)
const phId = htmlUtil.getPhId(ele)
pjaxPageLoader.loadPage({ url: newurl, phId, cfg, fromPopState: false })
query() {
const ele = (this as any).$el
const params = htmlUtil.getParams(ele)
const value = ele.value
params[ele.name] = value
const newurl = urlUtil.setUrlParamAndReturnFullUrl(params)
window.location.href = newurl
paramkvs() {
const qs = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
return qs
qsValue(name: string, def?: string, toCompare?: any): string | boolean {
const qs = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
if (toCompare !== undefined) {
const v = qs.get(name) || def
consoleLog.log(`name: ${name}, def: ${def}, toCompare: ${toCompare}, qs.get(name): ${qs.get(name)}, v: ${v}`)
return v === (toCompare + '')
} else {
return qs.get(name) || def || ''
qsToValue(qsname: string) {
const ele = (this as any).$el as HTMLInputElement
Alpine.nextTick(() => {
const qsv = urlUtil.getUrlParam(qsname) || ''
if (ele instanceof HTMLInputElement && ele.type === 'checkbox') {
const vlowcase = qsv.toLowerCase()
ele.checked = vlowcase === 'true' || vlowcase === 'on' || vlowcase === 'yes' || vlowcase === '1'
} else {
(ele as HTMLInputElement).value = qsv
export default phdata
selectors data helper:
export default (globalSelectCfg: SelectCfg) => (selectCfg: SelectCfg, ...names: string[]): any => {
const selectCfgCombined = { ...globalSelectCfg, ...selectCfg }
return {
selectors: {} as { [key: string]: SelectState },
debug: selectCfgCombined.debug || false,
init() {
names.forEach(name => {
this.selectors[name] = new SelectState(name, selectCfgCombined)